Name:John Henry Eagle
Comments:birthdate needs checking
Date of Birth:1972/07/22
Location:Leamington, Ontario, Canada
Father:Terrance Gerald Eagle (1949-2001)
Mother:Margherita Piroli (1952)
Pictures: Nona Giovanna with John and Janisse (john-janis-1.jpg)
Family reunion on the steps - Gary and Louisa (gary-louise-1.jpg)
Bert and Ernie make an appearance (Ernie_and_Bert.JPG)
Romina and Chris' Wedding (romina-1.jpg)
John and Ada's Wedding (john-ada-1.jpg)
Union:To Ada Francisca Garcia (1971) on 1999/10/16
Children:Jordan Adilson Eagle (1998)
Vanessa Celeste Eagle (2000)
Destiny Faviana Eagle (2006)